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Making a 3D model: The Earth, Sun and Moon- Ideas.

You will be working in your co-operative learning teams to create an Orrery of the Earth, Moon and Sun. To complete this activity you may like to read some of the books in the book corner, conduct research on the Earth and moons rotation/ revolution. The Orrery will be used as an assessment of learning, so should include a voiceover explaining what is happening. You can make an Orrery using any materials you like including, Lego, a role play Orrery, a stop motion, animation, paper plates or even Minecraft. Your groups have been assigned by Mrs. Elliott, and you will do a jigsaw team activity prior to starting this project. You should explain any issues in the scale of the model (size/ speed/ distance) in your voiceover of the Orrery and how this may affect the accuracy. Your presentation should focus on the following:

1. Which direction the Earth Rotates and the time it takes to rotate / time it takes for a revolution.

2. Direction the moon rotates and time it takes to rotate

3. Positioning of the sun.

4. Including a description of how day and night occurs

5. Using words from the Glossary used correctly

6. You will need to plan your model, using labelled diagrams and information


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