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Space is an amazing place. You already have many ideas about Space; the earth, the moon and the sun. Create a mind-map with the heading SPACE. Include bubbles for: Earth, moon, sun, stars, galaxy, solar system. Think about what you already know about these topics. Include words or drawings. Think about the following questions when creating your mind-map:

Is the earth flat or a sphere?

Is the earth the centre of the solar-system?

Does the sun move- how?

Does the earth move- how? Does the moon move- how?

How big is the earth, moon and sun? Are they he same or different? Which is the biggest?

What causes day and night?

When does the moon appear? Or is it always in the sky?

Moon phases- What causes them?

Create your mind-map as an independent task- then post in the forum, under the heading 'Mind-Map.'

You may like to use this template, or you can create your own.

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